
下面介紹的是關於IPS的部分,如果你的fortigate沒有顯示這個功能˙,你可以到系統管理->進階功能開關裡面找一下應該就會有入侵防禦IPS的選項可以給你打開。,TheFortiGuardIntrusionPreventionServiceprovidesthelatestdefensesagainststealthynetwork-levelthreats.Itusesacustomizabledatabaseofmorethan ...,FortiGate.FortiAnalyzer.FortiClient.FortiWeb.FortiADC.FortiAuthenticator...Copyright©2024Fortinet,Inc.AllR...

[fortigate]病毒防護與入侵防護(Antivirus, IPS)


Intrusion Prevention Service

The FortiGuard Intrusion Prevention Service provides the latest defenses against stealthy network-level threats. It uses a customizable database of more than ...

Intrusion Protection

FortiGate. FortiAnalyzer. FortiClient. FortiWeb. FortiADC. FortiAuthenticator ... Copyright © 2024 Fortinet, Inc. All Rights Reserved. This site uses cookies ...

FortiGuard IPS 安全服务

FortiGate 拥有Fortinet 专用的内容处理器(CP9),从而使FortiGuard IPS 的功能得到了提升,可提供行业最佳的IPS 价格和性能。 IPS 进一步扩展了如SSL 检测(包括TLS 1.3) ...

What is an Intrusion Prevention System (IPS)?

An intrusion prevention system, or IPS, monitors real-time network activity for a deeper examination and identification of possible security concerns. IPS looks ...

FortiGuard Intrusion Prevention Service

The AI/ML-powered FortiGuard IPS Service provides near-real-time intelligence with thousands of intrusion prevention rules to detect and block known and ...

FortiGuard IPS 安全服務

FortiGuard IPS 安全服務提供高效能的進階威脅防護。FortiGuard IPS 可抵禦已知和零時差威脅。


IPS 是由入侵偵測系統(IDS) 演進而來。IDS 技術使用相同概念分析流量,但除了一些共通技術外,兩者之間主要的不同點,在於IPS 採取「內聯」部署,而IDS 則是「離線」或在網 ...

Rufus 4.5 最簡單的方式製作開機隨身碟

Rufus 4.5 最簡單的方式製作開機隨身碟
